La commande 'devrsrv' permet d'afficher et de retirer d'éventuelles réservations sur des disques.

Sans argument, la commande retourne les informations générales d'usage :

# devrsrv

ERROR: Incomplete command

Usage :

For Command Line Inputs:

devrsrv -c query | release | prin -s sa |

        (prout -s sa -r rkey -k sa_key -t prtype) -l devicename

devrsrv -f -l devicename

devrsrv -d


Service Action Values:


For PRIN Command :



For PROUT Command:

 2(RELEASE)              3(CLEAR)

 4(PREEMPT)              5(PREEMPT AND ABORT)


rkey specifies the reservation key

This field is needed for service actions PREEMPT, PREEMPT AND ABORT, RELEASE AND CLEAR

 sa_key specifies the service action reservation key

           This field is needed for service actions PREEMPT, PREEMPT AND ABORT

prtype specifies the Persistent Reservation Type

PRTYPE values supported are:

1(WRITE EXCLUSIVE)                       2(EXCLUSIVE ACCESS)



 Avec les arguments '-c query' et '-l device', on interroge l'unité passée en argument.

# devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

Device Reservation State Information


Device Name                     :  hdisk0

Device Open On Current Host?    :  YES

ODM Reservation Policy          :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

Device Reservation State        :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

Path Id of Reserved Path        :  0


En cas de verrou sur ce disque, il est possible d'utiliser l'action 'release' pour demande son retrait.


Avec l'option '-d', on affichage la liste des unités.

# devrsrv -d

#Name WW Port Name LUN ID SCSI ID xport
hdisk0 50060e80167c0c16 0000000000000000 001e2700 fcp
hdisk1 50060e80167c0c16 0001000000000000 001e2700 fcp


Ci-dessous la documentation officielle.


       Queries and breaks the single-path and persistent reservations on a device.


       devrsrv -c query | release | prin -s sa | (prout -s sa -r rkey -k sa_key -t prtype) -l devicename

       devrsrv -f -l devicename

       devrsrv -d


       The devrsrv command queries and breaks the single-path and persistent reservations on the device. The command runs the

       persistent reserve in (prin) and persistent reserve out (prout) service actions.

       The query subcommand queries and displays the current reservation status of the device. The release subcommand releases

       the reservation on the device by using the single-path reservation.

       The prin subcommand displays all the registered reservation keys, reservation key holder, and capabilities information.

       The prout subcommand requests service action that reserves a device for the exclusive or shared use of a particular I/O

       path to the device. The prout subcommand supports the following service actions:




            Releases the specified persistent reservation for the device.


            Clears all the reservation keys and all the persistent reservations.


            Preempts the persistent reservations or removes registrations, or both.


            Preempts persistent reservations or removes registrations, or both and stops all tasks for all preempted I/O paths

            to the device.


            Registers the new key value in place of the old key value.





            Specifies the following subcommands:


                   Queries and displays the status of reservations on a device.


                   Releases the device with the single-path reservation by using SCSI-2.


                   Specifies the persistent reservation in service action.


                   Specifies the persistent reservation out service action.


            Lists the disk name and other identifying information for all disks that are queried or manipulated by using the

            devrsrv command.


            Breaks the reservation that is held by other I/O path or host. For single-path reservations, the devrsrv command

            issues a SC_FORCED_OPEN action to break the reservation. For persistent reservations, the devrsrv command issues a

            prout subcommand along with the CLEAR service action to clear the persistent reservation and the registrations.


            Specifies the service action reservation key. The -k flag is required for the REGISTER, PREEMPT, and PREEMPT_ABORT

            service actions.


            Specifies the name of the device.


            Specifies the reservation key. The -r flag is required for the REGISTER, PREEMPT, PREEMPT AND ABORT, and RELEASE

            service actions.


            Specifies the service action for persistent reservations. The valid service actions for the prin subcommand follow:


                   READ KEYS


                   READ RESERVATION


                   REPORT CAPABILITIES

            The valid service actions for the prout subcommand follow:








                   PREEMPT AND ABORT




            Specifies the persistent reservation type. The types of persistent reservations follow:


                   Write exclusive


                   Exclusive access


                   Write exclusive registrants only


                   Exclusive access registrants only


                   Write exclusive all registrants


                   Exclusive access all registrants


       The following are the examples that are related to different scenarios.

       Query operation

       1    To query the reservation status of the hdisk0 device when it is not reserved by any host, enter the following


            # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

            Device Reservation State Information


            Device Name                      :  hdisk0

            Device Open On Current Host?     :  NO

            ODM Reservation Policy           :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Device Reservation State         :  NO RESERVE

            The output shows that the device is not opened on the current host and the Object Data Manager (ODM) reservation

            policy is SINGLE PATH RESERVE. It indicates that the reservation policy is set in the ODM for this device. The

            device reservation state indicates the reservation that is present on the device. You can find the device

            reservation state by running a sequence of SCSI commands.

       2    To query the reservation status of the hdisk1 device when it is reserved by a host, enter the following command:

            # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk1

            The device is reserved by using the single path reservation by a host.

            Device Reservation State Information


            Device Name                     :  hdisk1

            Device Open On Current Host?    :  NO

            ODM Reservation Policy          :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Device Reservation State        :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

       3    To query the reservation status of the hdisk2 device when it is reserved on the same host, enter the following


            # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk2

            Device Reservation State Information


            Device Name                     :  hdisk2

            Device Open On Current Host?    :  YES

            ODM Reservation Policy          :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Device Reservation State        :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Path Id of Reserved Path        :  0

       4    To query the reservation status of the hdisk2 device when the ODM reservation policy is PR SHARED and the device is

            not reserved by any host, enter the following command:

            # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

            Device Reservation State Information


            Device Name              :  hdisk0

            Device Open              :  NO

            ODM Reservation Policy   :  PR SHARED

            ODM PR Key Value         :  7777

            Device Reservation State :  NO RESERVE

            Registered PR Keys       :



            PR Capabilities Byte[2]  :  0xd  SIP_C   ATP_C   PTPL_C

            PR Capabilities Byte[3]  :  0x0

            PR Types Supported       :  NOT VALID

            Descriptions of several fields from the query output follow:

       Registered PR Keys:

            Displays keys that are registered by running the prout subcommand along with the REGISTER service action from all

            I/O paths that are sharing this device.

       PR Capabilities Bytes:

            Indicates the content of bytes 2 and 3 returned by the REPORT CAPABILITIES service action of the prin subcommand.

            See the SPC standard to interpret the output of the Example 4.

       PR Types Supported:

            Displays the persistent reservation types that are supported by the device that are reported by the persistent

            reservation type mask field in the report capabilities output.

       If the persistent reservation is held on a device, the query output displays additional information about the device

       reservation as follows:

       PR Reservation Type:

            Displays one of the values of the PR Types that are described in the Flags section.

       PR Holder key Value:

            Displays the PR key value of the current reservation holder. The persistent reservation key value is 0 if the PR

            Type is 5 or 6.

       Persistent reserve in (prin) operation

       1    To read all of the registered reservation keys, enter the following command:

            # devrsrv -c prin -s 0 -l hdisk0

            Registered PR Keys              :



       2    To read the current reservation key holder and type, enter the following command:

            # devrsrv -c prin -s 1 -l hdisk0

            PR Generation Value     :  2

            PR Type                 :  PR_EA_RO (EXCLUSIVE ACCESS, REGISTRANTS ONLY)

            PR Holder Key Value     :  777

       3    To return the PR capabilities information that is supported by sending the report capabilities service action, enter

            the following command:

            # devrsrv -c prin -s 2 -l hdisk0

            PR Capabilities Byte[2]         :  0xd  SIP_C   ATP_C   PTPL_C

            PR Capabilities Byte[3]         :  0x0

            PR Types Supported              :  NOT VALID

       Persistent reserve out (prout) operation

       RELEASE service action

       To release the persistent reservation from IT-nexus that is registered and reserved with key 1777 and PR reservation type

       4, enter the following command:

       # devrsrv -c prout -s 2 -r 1777 -t 4 -l hdisk0

       Device Reservation State Information


       Device Name                     :  hdisk0

       Device Open On Current Host?    :  YES

       ODM Reservation Policy          :  PR SHARED

       ODM PR Key Value                :  7777

       Device Reservation State        :  PR SHARED

       Reservation will be cleared on the device. Do you want to continue y/n:y

       If you run the query now, the result displays the Device Reservation State as NO RESERVE.

       # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

       Device Reservation State Information


       Device Name              :  hdisk0

       Device Open              :  NO

       ODM Reservation Policy   :  PR SHARED

       ODM PR Key Value         :  7777

       Device Reservation State :  NO RESERVE

       Registered PR Keys       :



       PR Capabilities Byte[2]  :  0xd  SIP_C   ATP_C   PTPL_C

       PR Capabilities Byte[3]  :  0x0

       PR Types Supported       :  NOT VALID

       CLEAR service action

       To release the persistent reservation and to remove all the registrations from a device server that uses the CLEAR

       service action by using a registered I/O path with key 555, enter the following command:

       # devrsrv -c prout -s 3 -r 555 -l hdisk0

       Device Reservation State Information


       Device Name                     :  hdisk0

       Device Open On Current Host?    :  YES

       ODM Reservation Policy          :  PR SHARED

       ODM PR Key Value                :  5555

       Device Reservation State        :  PR SHARED

       Reservation will be cleared on the device. Do you want to continue y/n:y

       If you run the query now, the persistent reservation is released and the registrations are removed from the device.

       # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

       Device Reservation State Information


       Device Name               :  hdisk0

       Device Open               :  NO

       ODM Reservation Policy    :  PR SHARED

       ODM PR Key Value          :  5555

       Device Reservation State  :  NO RESERVE

       Registered PR Keys        :  No Keys Registered

       PR Capabilities Byte[2]   :  0xd  SIP_C   ATP_C   PTPL_C

       PR Capabilities Byte[3]   :  0x0

       PR Types Supported        :  NOT VALID

       PREEMPT and PREEMPT_ABORT service actions

       To preempt the persistent reservation that is held with reservation holder 444 by another IT-nexus with the registered

       key 777, enter the following command:

       # devrsrv -c prout -s 4 -r 777 -k 444 -t 2 -l hdisk0

       Before you run the # devrsrv -c prout -s 4 -r 777 -k 444 -t 2 -l hdisk0 command, the query output is displayed as


       # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

       Device Reservation State Information


       Device Name               :  hdisk0

       Device Open               :  NO

       ODM Reservation Policy    :  PR SHARED

       ODM PR Key Value          :  7777

       Device Reservation State  :  PR EXCLUSIVE

       PR Generation Value       :  5

       PR Type                   :  PR_WE (WRITE EXCLUSIVE)

       PR Holder Key Value       :  444

       Registered PR Keys        :



       PR Capabilities Byte[2]   :  0xd  SIP_C   ATP_C   PTPL_C

       PR Capabilities Byte[3]   :  0x0

       PR Types Supported        :  NOT VALID

       After you run the # devrsrv -c prout -s 4 -r 777 -k 444 -t 2 -l hdisk0 command, the query output shows that the

       reservation is preempted by IT-nexus with key 777 and key 444 is unregistered.

       # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

       Device Reservation State Information


       Device Name              :  hdisk0

       Device Open              :  NO

       ODM Reservation Policy   :  PR SHARED

       ODM PR Key Value         :  7777

       Device Reservation State :  PR EXCLUSIVE

       PR Generation Value      :  6

       PR Type                  :  PR_EA (EXCLUSIVE ACCESS)

       PR Holder Key Value      :  777

       Registered PR Keys       :


       PR Capabilities Byte[2]  :  0xd  SIP_C   ATP_C   PTPL_C

       PR Capabilities Byte[3]  :  0x0

       PR Types Supported       :  NOT VALID

       RELEASE operation for SINGLE PATH RESERVE policy

       To release the reservation on the hdisk0 device, enter the following commands:

       *    Scenario 1: The current host is the owner of the reservation.

            # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

            Device Reservation State Information


            Device Name                     :  hdisk0

            Device Open On Current Host?    :  YES

            ODM Reservation Policy          :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Device Reservation State        :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Path Id of Reserved Path        :  0

            # devrsrv -c release -l hdisk0

            Device Reservation State Information


            Device Name                     :  hdisk0

            Device Open On Current Host?    :  YES

            ODM Reservation Policy          :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Device Reservation State        :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Device is currently Open on this host by a process.Do you want to continue y/n:y

            Command Successful

            Reservation cleared on the device. Query operation may not work properly.

            Close the application that holds the reservation and retry.

       *    Scenario 2: The current host is not the owner of the reservation.

            # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

            Device Reservation State Information


            Device Name                     :  hdisk0

            Device Open On Current Host?    :  NO

            ODM Reservation Policy          :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Device Reservation State        :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Because the current host does not own the reservation on the device,

            try the force option if you want to break the reservation.

            # devrsrv -f -l hdisk0

            The device is already reserved by using the single-path reservation by another host.

            Device Reservation State Information


            Device Name                     :  hdisk0

            Device Open On Current Host?    :  NO

            ODM Reservation Policy          :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Device Reservation State        :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Reservation will be cleared on the device. Do you want to continue y/n:y

            After you run the release command successfully, the query option must display NO RESERVE as the device reservation


            # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

            Device Reservation State Information


            Device Name                     :  hdisk0

            Device Open On Current Host?    :  NO

            ODM Reservation Policy          :  SINGLE PATH RESERVE

            Device Reservation State        :  NO RESERVE

       Forced mode

       The hdisk0 device is reserved with key 777 from another I/O path. To release this reservation from the other client,

       enter the following command:

       # devrsrv -f -l hdisk0

       Device Reservation State Information


       Device Name                     :  hdisk16

       Device Open On Current Host?    :  NO

       ODM Reservation Policy          :  PR SHARED

       ODM PR Key Value                :  5555

       Device Reservation State        :  PR SHARED

       Reservation will be cleared on the device. Do you want to continue y/n:y

       Command Successful

       Before you run the # devrsrv -f -l hdisk0 command, the query displays the following output:

       # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

       Device Reservation State Information


       Device Name               :  hdisk0

       Device Open               :  NO

       ODM Reservation Policy    :  PR SHARED

       ODM PR Key Value          :  5555

       Device Reservation State  :  PR EXCLUSIVE

       PR Generation Value       :  1

       PR Type                   :  PR_WE (WRITE EXCLUSIVE)

       PR Holder Key Value       :  777

       Registered PR Keys        :


       PR Capabilities Byte[2]   :  0xd  SIP_C   ATP_C   PTPL_C

       PR Capabilities Byte[3]   :  0x0

       PR Types Supported        :  NOT VALID

       After you execute the # devrsrv -f -l hdisk0 command, the output indicates that the device is not reserved.

       # devrsrv -c query -l hdisk0

       Device Reservation State Information


       Device Name                     :  hdisk16

       Device Open On Current Host?    :  NO

       ODM Reservation Policy          :  PR SHARED

       ODM PR Key Value                :  5555

       Device Reservation State        :  NO RESERVE

       Registered PR Keys              :  No Keys Registered

       PR Capabilities Byte[2]         :  0x0

       PR Capabilities Byte[3]         :  0x0

       PR Types Supported              :  NOT VALID


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